Dean Furbush
Chief Financial Officer
Since early in his career, Dean has committed his professional intention to building a leadership toolkit that would be of value if extraordinary need and opportunity should arise later in his career. The unprovoked invasion of Ukraine in February, 2022 presents that need and opportunity — first, because of the innocent people whose lives have been wrenched from normalcy, or have been cut short; second, because this unjust international act cannot be allowed to stand, not for Ukraine, nor as 21st Century precedent for Europe, including for Russia and Russians, and for the rest of the world; and third, because this most extreme act of tyranny is a further step in a growing orientation towards tyranny that threatens the United States and several other countries that had incorrectly considered the value and existence of democracy a settled question.
Ukrainian Patriot represents the opportunity to serve alongside inspiring partners, many of whom are putting their lives on the line to help the people of Ukraine, the nation of Ukraine, and the notion that democratic self-determination, not naked aggression carries legitimate power. UP’s founder, Lana Niland, understands and embodies the fact that fiercely fighting for justice and doing so with compassion are not inimical to each other but are both necessary elements of success.
Dean is a serial founder and change agent, with both “hard” skills — operational, startup, technological, financial, and data-driven process improvement; and “soft” skills — listening, empathy, radical transparency, and a willingness to be vulnerable, admitting errors and not knowing all the answers. His work experience is diverse, ranging from alphabet jobs in Washington, DC –CNA, CEA, SEC, CFTC, and NASD to leadership roles in both startup and established organizations, including EVP, Nasdaq Transaction Services, and CEO FreshDirect. He has taught economics at the college level and consulted on topics that include litigation support and supply chain management. He is most proud of his work as founding Chair of College Summit, now PeerForward, and as a founding board member, now Chair, of Solutions Journalism Network.